Research and Publications


Peer-reviewed Studies

[31] 2023. Problematizing the Diversity Debit Hypothesis. Journal of BRICS Studies, 2(1), 1–21.

[30] 2023. The Perfect Storm? Political Instability and Background Checks During COVID-19. International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 12, 15–26.

[29] 2023. Resistance and Military Defection in Turkey. Co-authored with Pelin Ayan Musil. Mediterranean Politics, 28(2), 202-226.

[28] 2023. Do Mass Shootings in Central and Eastern Europe Differ from US Mass Shootings? Insights from the (MSCEE) Data Set. Journal of Mass Violence Research. Onlinefirst.

[27] 2022. Discourse, Antagonisms, and Identities during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 128, 39-60.

[26] 2022. Military Defection During the Collapse of the Soviet Union. Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, 16(2), 26-53.

[25] 2022. Comparing central and Eastern European mass shootings to American mass shootings. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, Onlinefirst.

[24] 2022. Pandemic Surveillance Capitalism: Authoritarian Liberalism or Democratic Backsliding? Journal of Political Power, Onlinefirst.

[23] 2022. Heidegger and the Technocratic Warping of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies, Onlinefirst.

[22] 2022. Protester-Police Fraternization in the 2013 Gezi Park Uprisings. Co-authored with Pelin Ayan Musil. Social Movement Studies. Onlinefirst. 

[21] 2021. Identity, Repression, and the Collapse of Apartheid. Strategic Review for Southern Africa 43(2), 308-336.

[20] 2021. Humanity and the Disruption of the Cosmos: How Berdyaev Foresaw our Reliance on Machines. Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy. 17(3), 33–59.

[19] 2021. Reinforcing Criticisms of Civil Resistance: a Response to Onken, Shemia-Goeke, and Martin. Critical Sociology. 47(7-8), 1205–1218.

[18] 2021. The Contradictions of COVID-19 and the Persistence of Western Hegemony. Politikon 48(2), 331-346.

[17] 2021. Exogenous Events and Media Reporting of Mass Shootings. Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression 13(2), 160-173.

[16] 2020. Debunking the Myths Behind Nonviolent Civil Resistance. Critical Sociology 46(7-8), 1121-1139.

[15] 2020. Unravelling the Complex Nature of Security Force Defection. Global Change, Peace and Security 32(2), 135-55.

[14] 2020. The Revolutions of 1989 and Defection in Warsaw Pact States. Democracy and Security 16(2), 151-178.

[13] 2019. Violence, Resistance, and Social Transformation in Anarchist Thought and Practice. Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work 38(4), 383-400.

[12] 2019. Comparing Protest MassacresJournal of Historical Sociology 32(2), 258-274.

[11] 2019. Diverse and Alternative Economic Practice in The Trailer Park Boys Series, 2002-2018. Journal of Cultural Geography 36(3), 317-345.

[10] 2019. Mass Shootings and their Asymmetric Effect on Civilian Armament. Crime, Law and Social Change 72(4), 483-500.

[9] 2019. Tracing the State of Nature in Stephen King’s Under the Dome. Socialism and Democracy 33(1), 166-185.

[7] 2018. A Configurational Analysis of 44 U.S. Mass Shootings: 1975-2015. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice 42(1), 55-73.

[6] 2018. Social Causation and Protest Mobilization: Why Temporality and Interaction Matter. Territory, Politics, Governance 6(3), 279-301.

[5] 2017. Antagonisms and the Discursive Sedimentation of American Gun Culture: A New Framework. Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies 17(2), 133-139.

[4] 2016. Repression, Spontaneity, and Collective Action: The 2013 Turkish Gezi ProtestsJournal of Civil Society 12(4), 411-429.

[3] 2016. Violence Begets Violence: Why States Should Not Lethally Repress Popular ProtestInternational Journal of Human Rights 20(7), 893-913.

[1] 2014. Adverse Repression and Social Transformation: A Political Process ModelInternational Journal of Interdisciplinary Civic and Political Studies Volume 8(2), ISSN 2327-0071.

Other Peer Reviewed Publications
2024. School mass shootings in Central and Eastern Europe are on the rise. Czech Criminological Review.
- 2020. The Vory: Russia’s Super Mafia: by Mark Galeotti, New Haven, CT, Yale University Press, 2018, Xii, 344 pp., $28.00 (hardback), ISBN 978-0-300-18682-6. Global Crime.
- 2019. Massacres in Iran: What Happens Next? Political Violence at a Glance, December 17, 2019.
2013. LSEReviewofBooks: Book Review, Pedersen, David. American Value: Migrants, Money, andMeaning in El Salvador and the United States. University of Chicago Press. 2013.
2013. LSEReviewofBooks: Book Review, Kai Hafez. The Myth of MediaGlobalization. Polity. 2007.
2013. LSEReviewofBooks: Book Review, Jacquelien van Stekelenburg, Conny Roggeband, Bert Klandermans. The Future of Social MovementResearch: Dynamics, Mechanisms, and Processes. University Of Minnesota Press. 2013.
2013. LSEReviewofBooks: Book Review, Shannon O’Neil. Two NationsIndivisible: Mexico, the United States, and the Road Ahead. Oxford University Press. 2013.
2013. LSEReviewofBooks: Book Review, Dina Matar and Zahera Harb. Narrating Conflict in the Middle East: Discourse, Image, and Communications Practices in Lebanon and Palestine. IB Tauris. 2013.